How much does mediation save me?

Typically thousands, often hundreds of thousands of dollars. How is that possible? Here’s how:

Not every litigation dollar we spend is the same, and much of what we do in litigation is extravagantly inefficient. First the good news. The marginal utility of our early litigation spending is tremendous. We invest impactful money learning about our foe’s case or defending ours against attack.  We spend wisely too, when our ambition is to kill a case early, or the opposite; show the other side we are serious, and they can’t dispatch us quickly and cheaply because law is with us. 

After that, we’re at a tipping point. Our bad news? What we spend next is some of the dumbest cash we burn.  Our early breakthroughs are done. Our case doesn’t get better.  Instead, we spend our thousands of dollars, maybe hundreds of thousands, wardrobing our case, so it’s sharply dressed for trial. And we wait. Post-pandemic, our trial date could be two-and-a-half years away.

Our mediation expense is a comparatively paltry sum of money that’s smart because it gets us the solution that suits us when we want it.

Does mediation work?

Yes. Almost always. According to Harvard Law School’s Program On Negotiation, +/- 85 percent of mediated disputes voluntarily settle.

How much does it cost?

3Chairs mediator rates reflect how complicated your dispute is. Why? Because resolving conflict between two parties is different from finding suitable solutions for three or more disputants.

You are using 3Chair’s subject matter and negotiation expertise to get you to your solution quickly. 3Chairs rarely bills by the hour because that’s not your best value. Instead, 3Chairs typically mediates disputes for half-a-day, the full day, or for days. Please call 3Chairs Mediation Group ((855) 324-2477) to discuss your case.

My fight is nobody else’s business. Is mediation confidential?

Pursuant to the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform States Laws, “Uniform Mediation Act”, as adopted, Cal. Evid. Code section 1119, Mass. Gen. Laws Chap. 233, section 23c, and analogous state law, mediation is always completely confidential. Our meeting, and everything about it, is private.

What is mediation?

Worldwide, mediation is the fastest-growing area of law. According to the Conference of State Court Administrators, the National Center for State Courts, and the Administrative Office of the United States Courts, less than 2 percent of lawsuits filed today actually make it to trial. The other 98 percent of lawsuits don’t disappear. They settle. Mediation does that.

Why 3Chairs Mediation Group?

Your conflict starts with two parties. 3 chairs- one for your chosen mediator- is your free-willed, fruitful way to resolve it.

How do I hire you?

You, and the other party, or parties to your dispute, and your counsel, talk about whether you are fixed on trudging miles to trial, or whether negotiation can resolve your dispute. If you agree mediation is right, you can contact 3Chairs Mediation Group ((855) 324-2477). You will get free answers to your questions- even ones you don’t know you have. Afterwards, you have all the time you need to decide what’s best for you.

Where can I do it?

From anywhere on the globe. You can mediate virtually with your reliable Wi-Fi connection, a computer camera, and your microphone. If you want to meet face-to-face, 3Chairs comes to you, where and when it suits you.

Who’s involved in my mediation?

The people who are bound to the conflict are essential. One or more of you should have enough settlement power to voluntarily, and mutually resolve your conflict, entirely. Almost always, your attorneys and other trusted advisors participate in the mediation and are warmly welcomed. Your mediator is involved throughout.

Who’s in charge?

You are. Your dispute settles because you decide it does. Mediation isn’t arbitration. You don’t have to persuade a “judge”. Your solution is uniquely yours.

I want to talk with you about my questions. How can I contact you so you can answer them?

We look forward to answering your questions and helping you with your full or half-day mediation. Contact us:

3Chairs Mediation Group (855) 3Chairs | (855) 324-2477